1. De-clutter and clean the house properly!
2. Post at least one photo a day on Flickr.
3. Try and make one item of clothing a month.
4. Read more!
5. Try a new craft.
6. Finish off the lurking UFO'S.
7. Do more baking.
8. Get the garden looking like a garden.
9. Try and grow some fruit and vegetables this year.
10. Start blogging again.
Here we go then, a lot has happened since I last posted anything on here and because of last year I don't really want to talk about that at the moment.
But what I will say is I still have quite a few lurking UFO's, not as many because I had a big frogging session about two years ago, I needed something to do while recovering from a trapped nerve and not only that they were starting to really annoy me. So that was great therapy and it also kept my mind off the pain in my back! I think at the moment I have about 5 or maybe 6? UFO's lurking, which I don't think is that bad, it has been a lot worse!
I have still got an yarn and fabric stashes which are slowly taking over. I put my self on a yarn diet last year, I'm sorry to say it hasn't worked very well I go into anywhere that sells yarn and temptation takes over, yarn to me is like chocolate you see it you want it even if you are not hungry you still want to eat it! Or in my case if it's yarn I want to buy it because I can see a new project starting. So that is a on going resolution from last year which as I want to get the yarn stash down as I think that is more of a problem than the fabric stash, I have actually given some of the yarn to the charity shops only the yarn I know that I will never use because it is novelty yarn, I'm not a fan of that sort of yarn. And one of my resolutions for this year is to make one item of clothing a month and at the moment I have enough fabric to keep me going for a few months plus some of my knitting and crochet projects are lined with fabric (the small ones) so the fabric stash is not a big problem.

But before I start I need to tidy my craft table, hence the need to de-clutter .
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