Hello again!
This may be be a long post
So you have been warned!
Is it me, or has this year just flown?
I know people say as you get older time flies
But this year has flown!
But this year we were waiting for brexit, which never happened in this year, after passing two deadlines, but personally I think we still have along way to go before we can say brexit is done and dusted.
So what have I been doing then?
Well lets say a little and a lot
Well I've done a lot but got very little to show for it.
The reason why is that at the beginning of last year I decided not to make any new year resolutions for 2019, which at the time felt good, a sort of feeling of release not being bound down by any resolutions which would be probably broken before the end of January
But a few months into the year I suddenly had the feeling of no direction, there was no goals to achieve or no silly plans to do
Which felt weird
Like driving on a road not knowing if you are going in the right way because you have left the directions at home, so it's a case of making things up as you go along and hoping it will turn out alright in the end
So what have I been up to then?
Well there has been knitting, crochet and sewing as well, also some baking too!
Lime drizzle cake |
Lets start with the knitting front
Well nothing big happened on that front I've knitted a hat for myself, no photos of that yet due to rubbish weather and that we don't get much sunlight in the winter on the back. More socks knitted from the toe up (again no photos) which has become my prefered method of knitting socks, I have decided I don't like doing kitchener stitch. Also a few scarfs / shawls and other small (travelling) projects which are works in progress
Ok now the crochet front
Well not a great deal going on there, apart from the great winter blanket project (which it is now known as) is progressing along slowly, currently nearly halfway. I thought it would be something that I would do a lot of between Christmas and New year, but it was never touched
And finally the sewing department
Well lets talk about the successes first
Another pair of pyjama bottoms for myself ✔
A prom dress for my eldest daughter ✔
A dress for myself, which is very wearable ✔
And another dress, which I'm about 50% happy with, it may be a case of using wrong type of fabric, but it's completely finished ✔
Now for the not so successful
Only one item this time
A summer top for myself which is a total disaster, why I burnt two holes in it with the iron! So that is definitely unfinished because it has been semi destroyed by me ❌
No questions thank you
Also I now have a totally f****d pile
So what are this years resolutions then?
1. Read more books. I listen to a lot of audio books while knitting, crocheting, sewing, ironing, other house chores and general wandering around, but this year I want to try and read more actual physical books
2. Make more clothes for the girls and myself. First on the list for the girls are some more pyjama bottoms and for myself no idea yet, but pyjama bottoms are top of the list, just need to get the fabric washed and dried
3. Try to learn some different sewing skills. Last year I learnt how to insert an invisible zip (prom dress) and how to make a rouleau strap loop (50% dress)
4. To try and perfect my sock knitting skills
5. Bake more cakes. I'm not bake off standards, but the cakes that I bake do get eaten very quickly by DH and the girls, so they must be edible
So that's the list, short and sweet this time