Thursday, 3 October 2019

Winter blanket project

It's been a long time since I last posted here.
But here we go then, it's a long story

Three years ago I made all these granny squares 

First it started with a few 

Then a few became more!

Then I got a bit artistic

So they became a way of passing the time in the evening 

More artistic poses

They became my travelling project, for in the car or on the train

The in the kitchen waiting for things to cook project.

So I kept going until the yarn ran out and that was it. So they were put away in the cupboard and sort of forgotten about, to be honest I just didn't know what to do with them, could they become a blanket, a cushion, or given away to someone else who could find a use for them.

And that was where they stayed until a few weeks ago 
When I started to look at ideas for a winter blanket project on Pinterest, there's some  very nice blanket ideas which would involve buying alot more yarn, 
but I'm still on the yarn diet.

Then I remembered the granny squares which I did three years ago, so I got them out and counted them, there was 70 squares in total. So the next thought was how on earth was I going to join them together? The thought of sewing them all together just filled me with dread and not only that I hadn't got any of the yarn used to make the said granny squares left, so that was a Definite no no! 
So back to Pinterest again, this time looking at ideas on joining squares together and the eventual idea that was hit upon was to join as you go, ok a bit of a problem there the said squares are already made and there isn't any yarn left, so the only way I could do that was to break the yarn diet!!!!!
So that is what has happened I have bought some more yarn 
But how I see it is that it is not a major disaster, in a way it's just some yarn to complete a project, it's the equivalent of having one chocolate as a treat instead of eating the whole box of chocolates and feeling guilty after.

So here we go

Tuesday, 1 January 2019

Achievements and plans

Ok, it's that time of the year again!!

I'm currently flat out on the sofa with a virus feeling pretty rubbish, hence the very bad photo and trying to put words together to create a blog post while arguing my youngest daughter over why she has had her iPad confiscated (I really don't need this at the moment) she doesn't understand that watching ridiculous amount of silly videos on YouTube is not educational, I'm not talking about cat videos here!

So what are my plans for this year?

Well for a start I've decided that this year I'm not going to make any resolutions!
 Well no not really, most of the resolutions that I make get broken pretty quickly. Thing is that the amount of resolutions that I've managed to keep over years could be counted on one hand, while the resolutions that I have broken over the years well I haven't got enough fingers or toes to count them on! I think a lot of people out there can agree with me.

So what have been my achievements of the year been?
There isn't many of them I'm afraid 

1. I've managed to knit two pairs of socks (one pair is pictured above) which are wearable and not frogg-able 

2. More pyjama bottoms for the girls, no photos!

3. One summer top for myself (pictured above) there should of been another top but that one went wrong and is currently languishing in the sulking pile still!

4. A granny stripe blanket, I haven't taken any photos of it yet because the best place to get a good photo of it would be in the garden, but the garden doesn't get much sunlight in the winter.

A sneak peek at something else

So that's it, can't think of anything else to say at the moment.  
I'm now going to drag myself off the sofa and deal with small daughter who is currently trying to pick a fight with a chair again.

Banana bread Saturday

Ok it doesn't look like bake off standards, but it is banana bread  and it will get eaten in this house.   Oh!  And some knitting which ...