Saturday, 22 September 2012

I have quite forgotten how relaxing cross stitch can be, it has been such long since I have done any. I just sat down and started stitching and all my troubles just seem to melt away around me. I became so relaxed that I could of been surrounded by chaos and I couldn't of cared less.


But one thing I realised is that it is still very addictive and I just don't want to put it down, I just want to take my cross stitch everywhere, if I could push the pram and stitch at the same time I would be very happy!

I just wish I had re-discovered this "addiction" a few weeks ago when I spent the day at the hospital with my husband. This would of been a lot better to do than reading trashy magazines and watching daytime TV which are my pet hates.


On other things nothing has happened on the sock knitting front this week, but then again I have been too involved with my cross stitch, I'm on a roll to get this finished.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

I have decided that the first UFO that I am going to make an attempt to finish is a cross stitch.

The cross stitch in question is one I started about four years ago! it is a poppy design which was featured in cross stitcher magazine (issue no.204 October 2008) what attracted me to it was the bright colours lots of reds, oranges and pinks.

It was going to be a new challenge for me bacause it had bead work on and I have never done a cross stitch with beads on before.

Why it got abandoned - I bought the beads and only realised when I got home that the bugle beads were the WRONG colour they should be purple, I had gone and got black! I had got alot of the threads already from previous projects, so I didn't need to buy as many, but I soon started to run out of threads and I don't always have the time or the money to buy more, along with other things getting in the way as well.

So I'm now writing a shopping list for what I need to complete this UFO. Purple bugle beads are top of the list!

P.S I'm also knitting a pair of  socks for my eldest daughter, which were going quite well until my youngest daughter decided to "help" me in own little way. So by the time she had finished helping me it was a case of starting again.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

I have decided that my UFO pile is seriously getting out of control and something needs to be done about it, why?
1. I can't get into my under stairs cupboard.
2. It's slowly taking the dinning room table over, along with the rest of  the dinning room as well.
3. It's also starting to take the kitchen over.
4. At the last count there was about 16+ UFOs, that's an estimate by the way, there could be alot more hidden away in my stash!
I love starting new projects but I'm not very good at finishing things, I either get bored or distracted. some of my UFOs only need a few hours work to finish them, while others may take a little longer to finish.

This is some of my UFO pile in September last year, but it has grown since then with the addition of other projects

Banana bread Saturday

Ok it doesn't look like bake off standards, but it is banana bread  and it will get eaten in this house.   Oh!  And some knitting which ...